National Union of Artists of Ukraine is an all-Ukrainian public creative organization of professional artists and art critics. Established in 1938, the structure of the Union includes 33 regional and territorial organizations (including the Crimea).
The main goal of the union is consolidation of all creative forces, formation of the artistic environment, ensuring freedom of creativity, promotion of professional growth and social protection of its members.
The Union holds various Ukrainian exhibitions of all genres of fine arts, biennial and trilogy triennial, conferences, national, personal, innovative exhibitions in the exhibition halls of the Central House of Artists. Together with the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine the prizes were awarded to them. K. Bilokur and M. Deregusa.
Another important area of the NUAU’s activity is the consolidation of all creative forces, the formation of the artistic environment, ensuring freedom of creativity, promoting professional growth and social protection of its members. At the initiative of creative unions, the Laws of Ukraine “On Professional Creative Workers and Creative Unions” and other government documents were adopted. The decree of the President of Ukraine established a professional holiday – the Day of the Artist.
Since 1991, the National Union of Artists of Ukraine has been publishing a quarterly illustrated magazine, Fine Arts. It covers the current state and direction, history, theory, methodology, aesthetics, art education, practice, general information about the fine arts of Ukraine.
NUAU has a good material base – art enterprises, houses of creativity and recreation, exhibition areas, publishing and printing facilities, artists’ workshops and more.
An appeal to people all over the world from Ukrainian artists!
All-Ukrainian exhibition “Vietnam-Ukraine”